We do L.E.R.M.! **
After the parade is far from over! Dance from 18:00 to 24:00 on the Holzpark Klybeck and the landing site under the open sky. For an atmospheric summer night provide:
♡ Fluffy Glowstick
♡ Alice Hänsenberger
♡ The Godfather vs. Tom Brunner
♡ Christian & Raphaël
♡ Sascha Stohler & Pan
♡ PJ The DJ
♡ Beaurice
♡ Lokke
♡ Jil Corti
♡ Philippe Jeanneret
As soon as it gets quiet outside, it continues at 24:00 with the L.E.R.M. Afterparty in the GANNET ...
**L.E.R.M. (Loud Electronic Rumble Music)
Stay live! We keep you posted!