There are few DJs who can say of themselves that they helped found and shape Berlin's rise as a techno city. Heimlich Knüller He is a passionate selector who regularly performs at clubs and festivals such as Kater Blau, Sisyphos, Salon zur Wilden Renate, Rummels Bucht, Ritter Butzke, Fusion, Melt!, and Garbicz. His reputation precedes him as a grandmaster of festivals, tireless treasure hunter & pearl diver, connoisseur of music, prince of track selection, sun dancer, and herald of merriment. As a member of the Bachstelzen, Freudentaumel and Feines Tier collectives, he has become an important member of the scene. We've been wanting to put this party on our program calendar for quite some time and strongly encourage you to do so as well!
LOKKE (Laut & Luise)
PJ the DJ (Furikuri)
Mr. TillT (Twerking Class Heroes)
Culture for all!
Show us your valid student/AHV/IV ID or your Colourkey Card at the box office and get 5.- CHF discount!
Stay live! We keep you posted!