Porthole #4 - The Ship Cinema
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Special | Comedy
Porthole #4 - The Ship Cinema
Porthole #4 - The Ship Cinema
Porthole #4 - The Ship CinemaPorthole #4 - The Ship CinemaPorthole #4 - The Ship CinemaPorthole #4 - The Ship CinemaPorthole #4 - The Ship CinemaPorthole #4 - The Ship Cinema

Episode #4: Films in the context of the environmental exhibition "The future has 6 legs".

Two films will be shown that are visually innovative and captivating - to give us a new look at nature and insects.

In the first film Intersect (18 min., 2022), Basel-based artist Dirk Koy explores natural surfaces using digital artistic alienations - from mossy stone to the body shape of an insect. At the intersection of the real and virtual worlds, he creates deep, absorbing spatial impressions that defy gravity and give us a sense of calm.

It continues with fascinating images: Koy's artistic film is followed by the award-winning nature documentary Mikrokosmos - Das Volk der Gräser (74 min., 1996). Biologists Claude Nuridsany and Marie Pérennou take us into a close, yet unknown world: the everyday life of insects in a small patch of meadow in southern France. Oversized macro shots bring the animals to eye level, sending us tumbling headlong into a world of rivers of dewdrops and jungles of grass.
We invite you to a cozy movie night in the belly of the ship with popcorn, filmmaker Dirk Koy will be present.

The event is a cooperation between the cinema series "Bull's Eye" of the culture ship Gannet and the Center for Environmental Exhibitions. It is part of the supporting program of the exhibition "The Future Has 6 Legs" (August 25 - October 30, 2022). Feel free to drop by the exhibition before the movie and discover what makes these fabulous creatures tick and get inspired.
More info about the exhibition: https://umweltausstellungen.ch/

Event Info

Admission: collection
Now and then and every now and then, we show you selected films. Matching the theme of temporary use, music and culture, underwater and above water, crooked ships or the water ballet world championship. It may not be the usual cinema experience with Dolby Surround and all the trimmings, but it will be in an unusual atmosphere in the belly of the ship. Drinks are available at the bar, and those who like can munch on a plate of pasta in the GANNET restaurant beforehand.