GANNET Ahoy! | Culture Ship @Holzpark Klybeck


Both access to and use of the Gannet website (operated by the ShiftMode association) are subject to the following terms of use.

The Gannet reserves the right to make changes or additions to the content provided on this website at any time and without notice.


The content provided on the website of Gannet and all links contained on this website are regularly checked and updated. In doing so, Gannet endeavours to provide error-free and up-to-date content on this website. However, despite careful editing, errors or incompleteness cannot be ruled out.

Gannet schliesst jede Haftung für Schäden bzw. Verluste aus, gleich welcher Art und gleich aus welchem Rechtsgrund, die aus oder im Zusammenhang mit der Benutzung dieser Website oder mit dem Zugriff (bzw. dem verhinderten Zugriff) auf diese Website entstehen könnten. Daher kann insbesondere eine Haftung oder Garantie für die Aktualität, Richtigkeit, Qualität oder Vollständigkeit der auf der Webseite zur Verfügung gestellten Inhalte nicht übernommen werden. Dasselbe gilt im Falle eines Datenverlustes oder fehlerhafter Informationsübermittlung. Der Zugriff auf diese Website und deren Nutzung werden nicht garantiert; sie erfolgen auf das Risiko der Besucher*innen. Eine Haftung für Schäden, die sich aus der Verwendung der bereitgestellten Inhalte ergeben, ist ebenfalls ausgeschlossen. <span>Gannet garantiert nicht, dass die auf den Gannet-Webseiten abrufbaren Formulare, Prospekte und anderen Dokumente nach Inhalt und Form den in gedruckter Form veröffentlichten Dokumenten entsprechen.


Gannet accepts no liability for the content of websites that visitors to this website can access through links. This applies in particular to their correctness, completeness, up-to-dateness, quality and legality. Gannet points out that it has no influence on the design and content of the linked websites of third-party providers. Therefore, Gannet cannot reasonably be expected to continuously monitor the content of linked websites without concrete indications of a legal violation. The inclusion of a link does not imply that the responsible editors and Gannet identify with the content of the page to which the link leads. Please notify Gannet immediately if you have accessed pages via links on Gannet whose content appears questionable to you. If we become aware of any infringements of the law, Gannet will remove such links immediately.


Gannet is the owner and operator of this website. The content, design and structure of are protected by intellectual property rights. Sun assumes that all content (e.g. brands, names, titles, logos, images, designs, texts and other materials) accessible via the Gannet website are protected by intellectual property rights. In particular, the text and image rights (copyrights) are held by Gannet or the respective photographers or text authors. The contents of this website may only be downloaded or copied for personal use, whereby no rights (rights of use, intellectual property rights, etc.) are acquired by calling up, downloading or copying; all property rights remain with Gannet. Any other distribution, processing, reproduction, linking, use or modification of the contents of this website is not permitted and may result in civil and criminal penalties.

The use of the contents of this website for public or commercial purposes is only permitted with the prior written consent of Gannet or the respective copyright holder(s) and against payment.

Neither access to the Gannet website nor the downloading of content from the Gannet website constitutes a contractual relationship.


Communication and data transmission via the internet can have security gaps and cannot be completely protected against access by third parties.

When visiting this website, information about the access (IP address, date, time, page visited on the website) may be stored automatically. This information is used exclusively for statistical purposes in order to continuously improve the website for visitors. This information is treated as strictly confidential. The information will not be passed on to third parties, whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes, unless required by applicable law and in particular by the competent law enforcement authority.


Should individual provisions of these Terms of Use be or become legally invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.


Uferstrasse 40, 4057 Basel, +41 (0)61 261 66 77